The Civic Association


Klatovy Catacombs, z. s.

Klatovy Catacombs, z. s. was founded for the purpose of the preservation, maintenance and promotion of the ancient burial ground located beneath the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary and St. Ignatius in Klatovy. Through its activities, the association also intends to promote and support the cultural, historical and spiritual legacy of the period in which the Klatovy Catacombs were built. It considers it an honor to remind people of the important parts of Klatovy history connected with the Baroque and the activities of the Jesuit Order in the town and its surroundings. In fulfilling its goals, the association cooperates mainly with the Town of Klatovy, the Roman Catholic Parish of Klatovy, the Municipal Library in Klatovy, the Collegium for Sacred Music, the Regional Museum of Dr. Hostas in Klatovy, etc.

The members of the association are:

  • The town of Klatovy, represented by mayor Mgr. Rudolf Salvetr
  • The Roman Catholic Parish Klatovy represented by Dean P. ThMgr. Jaroslav Hulle
  • Mrs. Katerina Zakova
  • Mgr. Lubos Smolik
  • Ing. Václav Chroust

The chairman of the association is Ing. Václav Chroust, the vice-chairman is Mgr. Rudolf Salvetr.


Klatovské katakomby, z.s.
Nám. Míru 62
339 01
Klatovy I
IČ 27006760
DIČ CZ27006760